Content Warnings

Hedgerow productions may evoke responses of a wide array, depending on the production and the person. We do not want to spoil anyone’s experience of a production at Hedgerow and therefore do not want to give too much away in our show promotions. Often the surprising moments and unexpected twists to emerge from a story can deeply engage our audiences and inspire dynamic discussion and thoughtful reflection.

At the same time, we are mindful that these moments can be distressing for some individuals and we want to ensure individuals have the information needed to opt-in. Below is information specific to Hedgerow’s production of Ngozi Anyanwu’s Good Grief.

Content Warning
This production contains profanity, mature content of a sexual nature (no nudity) and brief references to suicide. Death and the grieving process are focal points for this play.

Sensory Content
This production contains a whistle blowing, the sounds of a car crash, briefly flashing (not strobe) lights, and the smoking of herbal cigarettes.

If you’d like to connect with a representative at the theatre to find out more about a show, you can call us at 610-565-4211 or email us on