Summer Camp Policies

Hedgerow Educational Theatre is a welcoming space for young people to explore their interest in the arts. Hedgerow encourages students to build confidence, collaborate with peers, and explore their artistry and creative expression through performance. Below is a guide to help you and your child have the best experience possible.

Junior Theatre sessions (Frog & Toad, Kids!, The Wizard of Oz: Youth Edition, and Disney’s Dare to Dream) will take place at Hedgerow Theatre, 64 Rose Valley Rd, Media, PA 19063. Week one of SUMMER CAMP II will rehearse at the Hedgerow House before moving to the theater. Your director will provide more information on this.

Sprouts sessions 1 & 2 will take place at the Hedgerow House, 146 W Rose Valley Rd, Rose Valley, PA 19086

Drop–off and Pick-up:

·   Drop-off: Student drop off is 8:45-9am. 

·   Late Drop-off/Absence:  If you are running late or cannot make it to camp that day for any reason, please call 610-565-4211 or email to let us know.  

·   Pick-Up Protection: Students can only be picked up by approved parents/guardians. 

·   Aftercare: Is available between 3-4:30pm for an additional rate of $75/week. Families may sign up for after-care one week at a time. After-care will include theatre games and activities led by a team of Hedgerow artists.  Please sign up for aftercare upon enrollment or call the office if you need help signing up. If something unexpected arises and your child needs to stay for aftercare, call 610-565-4211 to make the counselors aware. The same aftercare rate will apply.  Pack an extra snack if needed for afternoon extended care. 

·   Late Pick-up: If you are more than 15 minutes late to pick up your child, the aftercare rate of $10 per hour cost goes into effect.


·   Professional Staff: The Hedgerow Theatre Camp counselors and educators are theatre professionals. All staff are required to attend a pre-camp training and submit to a criminal background check.


·   Medication: Hedgerow Theatre will not provide any medication to camp students.

·   Sickness: Please do not send a camper in if they are ill or experiencing symptoms. A student will be sent home if staff feels they cannot participate in the day’s events or if they may be contagious.   

What to Bring:

·   Clothing: Hedgerow recommends close-toed shoes - sneakers are great! (Crocs, sadly, do not count). Students should wear clothes they are comfortable moving and dancing around in. If weather permits, parts of our rehearsal day will be outside - layers are always great if your student gets hot/cold easily.

·   Additional items: We suggest that campers bring a reusable water bottle with a closed lid, a pencil (or two!), and their script or any materials they have been given in rehearsal. 

·   Labeling: All personal items should be labeled including backpacks, water bottles, lunches and clothes. Hedgerow Theatre is not responsible for any lost/stolen personal items.

·   Lost and Found: If, during the camp season, your camper loses anything, please check the classroom first. Every effort is made to return lost items to the camper. If something goes missing during the semester please inquire with Hedgerow staff. We will maintain a lost and found throughout the semester.

·   Personal belongings/Electronics: Please leave all electronics, games and other valuable items at home. Please note that we do not allow the use of electronic devices during rehearsal (including cell phones and tablets). If students bring in these devices, we ask that they stay in their bags throughout the rehearsal day.

Food and Beverages: 

Lunch: We will have a 30-minute lunch break around 12:00pm.

Lunch will take place outdoors each day (weather permitting). Break times are a great opportunity for snacks, if your camper would like to bring them. We do not provide refrigeration, so please be sure to prepare ice packs in lunch boxes as needed!

Hedgerow Theatre Camp is a NUT-FREE ZONE. Due to the severe nature of several nut and legume (peanut) allergies amongst our students and staff, we will not permit any PEANUT & TREE NUT products in lunches or snacks at camp (this includes spreads, butters, bars, desserts, toppings, chips, or snacks of any kind).

Cancellation Policy:

Hedgerow Theatre reserves the right to cancel any camp session due to insufficient enrollment.  If this occurs, you will be notified immediately and all fees will be refunded. 

Refund Policy:  A full refund, less a $50 administration fee, will be issued for cancellations made in writing at least 10 days prior to the start of the program. No refunds will be issued for withdrawal or absence with less than 10 days notice from the start of camp. 

Behavioral Expectations: 

Hedgerow is committed to providing a positive and healthy environment for each child. Our Camps are built around shared group activities and experiences. While rehearsal is an exciting time to create art, have fun, and catch up with friends, it is also important to stay focused, respectful, and work together as an ensemble. It would be greatly appreciated if you could reinforce the need for appropriate rehearsal behavior at home. If behavioral problems occur, a member of the Hedgerow staff will reach out to the parent/guardian. If serious issues persist despite the best efforts of our staff, the parent/guardian will be contacted and potentially be asked to remove the child from camp. No refunds will be issued in such an event. 

Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to the following

  • Bullying or physical harm.

  • Theft, defacement or destruction of Hedgerow Property or other individuals’ property.

  • Inappropriate physical contact with other campers or staff.

  • Offensive, derogatory, or hurtful language.

  • Use of or possession of controlled or illegal substances, paraphernalia, firearms or weapons including camping knives.

  • Any behavior that puts in jeopardy a healthy, safe, constructive & creative experience for any of the students, staff or administrators of the Hedgerow Theatre School Camp.

Please make sure Hedgerow has your accurate contact information for updates and ongoing communication, as well as emergency contact information and student allergies for safety. 


If you have any questions, please contact the office at 610-565-4211 or

Protocols are subject to change.